Malaria prevention

Beginning in 1999, IPHD undertook its first malaria prevention activities by including in its health and nutrition program in Equatorial Guinea talks on the care and treatment of children who have malaria. A total of 180 village workshops were held over the next 3 years in that country, attended by approximately 60,000 people.  The IPHD

UN Programs CAR

International Organizations and Local Government Support

Click on the image to enlarge UNICEF contributions – Guinea-Bissau Congo Republic Government Funding Ministry of Education: Ministry of Agriculture: Total   Ministry of Agriculture In-kind Contribution Presently, IPHD/Congo produces enough corn for school lunches and a surplus for local markets. Other Congo contributions: In addition to the above IPHD produces corn, manioc, some soybeans

Video gallery

PTA conferences, Dolisie, Pointe-Noire, Republic of Congo, 2017 IPHD participation at the 2nd African School Feeding Day TV program and interview, February 2017 Madingou, 2016 Reception of new agricultural equipment – 2015 IPHD – agriculture in 2014 USDA visit – 2014 USDA visit – 2016


Headquarters     * President: William M. Pruzensky, Ph.D.     * Program Coordinator: Susan Langley     * Accountant: Alicia C. Payne     * Shipping Manager: Michael E. Pruzensky     * Senior Advisor: Richard L. Barnes Congo Republic     * Country Director: Cristian L. Balan     * School Lunch Program

We are hungry. Help us

Guinea-Bissau is the tenth poorest country in the world, much poorer than Haiti. IPHD had 22 Section 416(b) agreements between 1984 and 2002 that had a program value of $151,409,217.  These programs involved shipments totalling 326,905 metric tons of food, benefiting a total of 9,372,470 beneficiaries.  The largest programs were in Mexico between 1984 and

Section 416(b)

IPHD had 22 Section 416(b) agreements between 1984 and 2002 that had a program value of $151,409,217.  These programs involved shipments totalling 326,905 metric tons of food, benefiting a total of 9,372,470 beneficiaries.  The largest programs were in Mexico between 1984 and 1991.  There were two other smaller programs in Mexico: 1992 and 1993.  IPHD


IPHD has had 9 International Food Relief Partnership (IFRP) Programs with a total value of $2,706,000 reaching 149,359 beneficiaries (children, women and refugees) with USAID.    Children in the Republic of Congo Enjoying Breedlove Pro-Harvest Dehydrated Soup   USAID NON-FOOD AID FUNDING SUPPORT (1999-2011) IPHD’s largest single program with USAID was an $11 million Winter Heat Assistance


IPHD opened a program in Romania in 1992 and in 1993 USDA approved its first  IPHD Food Aid Program for Romania.  Following which three other agreements were signed.  Between 1993 and 2002,  IPHD received 7,040 metric tons of U.S. food commodities valued at $7,388,300.  Most of the commodities were in the form of milk powder,