Section 416(b)

IPHD had 22 Section 416(b) agreements between 1984 and 2002 that had a program value of $151,409,217.  These programs involved shipments totalling 326,905 metric tons of food, benefiting a total of 9,372,470 beneficiaries.  The largest programs were in Mexico between 1984 and 1991.  There were two other smaller programs in Mexico: 1992 and 1993.  IPHD

Small loans / Grants

Loans for Income Generation Farmers Over 35,000 farmers have received loans from IPHD to improve their agricultural production.  Loan funds were developed, mainly with the help of USDA funds from monetizing food aid in Equatorial Guinea, Guinea Republic, Central African Republic, Congo Republic, and Mexico.  The largest loan funds were in Guinea Republic and Equatorial

Food for Education

Since IPHD began its school lunch program in 2001 under the USDA McGovern-Dole Food for Education Program, IPHD has distributed 119,868 metric tons of U.S. food, and over 4,100 metric tons of locally purchased or locally contributed foods. IPHD provided American food commodities donated by USDA annually to almost 500,000 primary and pre-primary or kindergarten children


FARMER FOOD BANKS In order to improve the livelihood of subsistence farmers in Africa, IPHD began a Food Bank Program in the Republic of Guinea, Central African Republic, and the Republic of Congo. Farmers in predetermined geographical regions are organized into groups or cooperatives in order to market their crops to an IPHD-sponsored food bank.

Food for Progress

 Between 1996 and 2006, IPHD managed and implemented 22 USDA Food for Progress agreements in 7 countries: Romania, Moldova, Equatorial Guinea, Congo Republic, Nigeria, Guinea and Guinea Bissau.  These 22 programs had a combined total of 100,254 metric tons of USDA food aid and a value of $79,795,339, including local and IPHD contributions. A total